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Crina Popescu

Ovidius University, Fine Arts Faculty. Constanta


The performative presence in the public space, with all the vulnerability it implies, has an extremely important social and political role. Throughout time the investigation of the body in relation with memory and the public space has represented an area of interest of many artists, but too few times have we encountered examples where architecture was regarded differently than a scenographic element thereby reducing the experience to one common to the scenic space and betting (only) one the idea of art accessible to the general public. The body and the movement have provoked and continue to provoke in the public space the need to generate visual pleasure being assimilated and used as propaganda tools. By contrast, the body associated with a landscape or architecture in a critical process of join assumption of a ephemeral physical existence and common memory, proposes a new perspective in how we read and use the build space and nature. The pace at which we move produce and consume requires the development of a ecology of artistic practices. Accelerating the social dynamics, respectively the mobility of people, and new urban communities bring with it a lack of knowledge of what our cities have to offer, their history and their potential for every citizen. Some historical areas of the cities have become marginal, while others are unexpectedly marginalized, sometimes invisible limits appear, while urban gaps behind high barriers increase violence and remain forgotten potential, completed eliminated from the hearts and minds of citizens, in which they fall prey to speculation.

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